Sunday, May 24, 2020
Life Lessons In The Kite Runner - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 971 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Kite Runner Essay Did you like this example? The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a boy living in Afghanistan, and his journey throughout life. He experiences periods of happiness, sorrow, and confusion as he matures. Amir is shocked by atrocities and blessed by beneficial relationships both in his homeland and the United States. To know if anyone will read the book, we think about various quesions. Is it a book that offers enjoyment? Is it a book that is thought provoking? Is it one that can be applied to any age? Kite runner is a story that can easily be related to every generation and enjoyed by all types of readers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Life Lessons In The Kite Runner" essay for you Create order The powerful story engages the reader by reminding them of freedom and the fight to achieve it. The readers, with the assistance of news channels, get a live look at situations and consequences similar to those that Amir faces in the novel. Readers are reminded that freedom does not come freely and they are captivated by a novel which shows them a world they have never seen. Americans have not experienced their freedom being taken away from them and that is why they become so riveted by The Kite Runner. They are reading about a circumstance that they know little about and they want to learn about it. The book offers glimpses and answers to questions, and that is what has led to its success. Success was not reached solely based on the informative nature; it is also backed by the easily relatable conflicts and life situations. Throughout life everyone experiences friends that come and go, decisions that are difficult, and situations that may end in heartbreak or joy. The closeness t hat can be applied to the events in the novel allow for a deeper connection to the characters and the storyline. The connection allows for an ability to really feel what Amir is experiencing and this connection urges the reader to continue reading. The novel is so affective because it describes a story which involves relationships and situations that people deal with on an everyday basis. Everyone has friends and sometimes there are struggles with them, other times there is extreme happiness. Families are a part of every personrs life and young boys always experience the pressure to make their fatherrs proud. Loyalty and betrayal are two situations that do not occur everyday but they play a huge role in life. There are points in life when people have been betrayed or have betrayed and have been loyal or have had someone be loyal to them. The focus on these four key aspects of life helps an easy connection to form between Amir and the readers. The readerrs flash back to events that took the same course as the ones Amir has to deal with and they can understand the pressures he experiences. The story comes to life because the emotions are real, the pressures are easily understandable, and the decisions are ones that readers have had to make themselves. In the end the success of the storyline, character development, and level of readability makes the novel classic. A fresh change for the reader; as the plot is unique, characters are fully developed, and every aspect of life is detailed. Learning about Amirrs experiences as he matures allows understanding of the many details of his life. From the first page the main characters and minor characters are explained in great detail, so the relationships are easily understood. Once the story falls into place, the descriptions allow for easy comprehension. Full of meaning and emotion each character is developed substantially. Hosseini is not just an author when he describes his characters, he is an artist. He does not just describe the characters with words; he paints their pictures without images. He allows the characters to come to life by describing their most intimate details which may seem insignificant but in the long run offer a more in-depth glimpse into the characters lives. The writing style lends itself to easily understood messages that flow from the pages. The flow of the writing draws the readers into the story. Along with keeping the culture and characters traditional Hosseini is able to do creative things with witty and unexpected plot turns. He is also able to develop characters and add traits to them that were not imagined. The book helps to teach readers how to deal with situations and how to make changes to prevent future atrocities from occurring. This story has been a reverberating theme through history: oppression, cruelty, and dominance over innocent races are situations that have occurred numerous times. This book may be fiction, but it offers a chance to learn about the impact of atrocities and make changes to avoid them. Many people do not read about these troubling problems in boring history textbooks. This story is engaging, interesting, and vivid in the eyes of the beholder. The Kite Runner offers lessons that can be applied to every life. The book simplifies the events of friendship and family in a way that young and old readers alike can understand. The young readers can learn about their relationship with their fathers and they can learn about the importance of friends. Older readers can learn about the importance of doing the right thing and demonstrating that one decision can define a p erson proves a point about reality in life. However, this also demonstrates a lesson that learning from the mistakes and triumphs of the characters; readers become emotionally attached and stimulated to read until the conclusion. Characters, plot, emotional appeal, and easily relatable situations are too strong for this book to crumble. Internal characteristics have provided a strong base to withstand the petty attacks on underdeveloped metaphors and transparent descriptions. Reality of the many life lessons learned, makes this novel a staple for reading in all circles.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about Josephine Baker - 2425 Words
Josephine Baker While Jim Crow laws were reeking havoc on the lives of African Americans in the South, a massed exodus of Southern musicians, particularly from New Orleans, spread the seeds of Jazz as far north as New York City. A new genre of music produced fissures in the walls of racial discrimination thought to be impenetrable. Musicians such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, King Oliver and Fletcher Henderson performed to the first desegregated audiences. Duke Ellington starred in the first primetime radio program to feature an African American artist. And a quirky little girl from Missouri conquered an entire country enthralled by her dark skin, curvaceous body and dynamic personality. Josephine Baker was more than†¦show more content†¦While still in elementary school, she began dancing part-time in a local chorus line. She left home at the age of 13; waiting tables most of the time and working on stage whenever possible. She joined a group of street musicians who called thems elves the Jones Family Band. The work with the Band paid off when Baker acquired her first stage appearance at the Booker T. Washington Theater, St. Louiss black vaudeville house. Also appearing was the all-black dance troupe, the Dixie Steppers. The manager of the Dixie Steppers took a liking to Baker and decided to make her part of the group. Since he couldnt find anything for her to do onstage, she became a dresser, principally for the troupes star, Clara Baker.# By 1920, she was married, divorced and married again - the second time to Willie Baker, a Pullman porter, from whom Baker took the name she used on stage. In April 1921, while the Dixie Steppers were touring in Philadelphia, one of the chorus girls hurt herself. For nearly a year, Ms. Baker had been studying the choreography of the show and practicing the steps behind the scenes. Another dancer was aware of Bakers abilities and suggested she fill in for the injured chorus girl. Ms. Baker took her place in the c horus line. Because she was much more lively and animated, she stood out from the rest of the ladies, which, obviously, is not the point of a chorus line. When the lyricist/composer team of Nobel SissleShow MoreRelated The Josephine Baker Story Essay1142 Words  | 5 Pages Josephine Baker was born Freda Josephine Carson in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 3, 1906 to washerwoman, Carrie McDonald, and vaudeville drummer, Eddie Carson. Josephines father abandoned them shortly after her birth and her mother married a kind but perpetually unemployed man named Arthur Martin. Their family came to include a son and two more daughters. Josephine grew up cleaning houses and babysitting for wealthy white families until she got a job waitressing at The Old Chauffeurs Club whenRead MoreEssay about A Biography of Josephine Baker726 Words  | 3 PagesA Biography of Josephine Baker Josephine Baker was born Freda Josephine MacDonald in St. Louis, Missouri to her unwed parents: Carrie McDonald and Eddie Carson. Her father soon left the family and Josephine had to help her mother support herself and her three younger half-siblings. At age eight, she got a job working as a maid for a white family (Robinson). At age 12, she had dropped out of school to work. By age 14, she had moved out, been married, and separated from her first husband.Read More Josephine Baker: A Breakthrough Starlet of the 1920s599 Words  | 2 Pagesstarlet of the 1920s was and they will all say the beautiful and talented Josephine Baker. Josephine was known by many names, Freda Josephine McDonald her birth name, Josephine Baker her stage name, as well as â€Å"Black Venus†, â€Å"Black Pearl†and Creole Goddess (Louck The Official Josephine Baker Website). No matter whom Josephine was known as this does not distinguish the amount of work succeeded by Baker. Josephine Bake r was an African American who broke free from racial offense by playing an importantRead More Josephine Bakers Monologue Essays664 Words  | 3 PagesJosephine Bakers Monologue I’m Freda Josephine Baker born to Carrie McDonald and Eddie Carson on June 3rd, 1906, in St. Louis, Missouri, but most of you may know me as Josephine Baker. At the age of 12 I dropped out of school to become an entertainer, yes yes, I remember it like it was yesterday, I was young and ready to become a star. I grew up cleaning houses and babysitting for white families, and they always reminded me â€Å"be sure not to kiss the baby†. When I was 13, I got a waitressingRead MoreHarlem, New York552 Words  | 2 PagesOne sensational woman stood out among the rest, her name was Josephine Baker. She took a stand and fought for what she believed in, she was a strong and passionate women and she never let anyone get in the way of the things she loved to do. No matter how risquà © or dangerous it may have been. On June 3rd, 1906 Freda Josephine McDonald was born to a washerwoman, Carrie McDonald and a Vanderville drummer Eddie Carson. Shortly after Josephine was born her Father abandoned their family and her Mother remarriedRead MoreWomen s Suffrage For Josephine Baker By Adolf Loos1133 Words  | 5 PagesHow are women represented in House for Josephine Baker by Adolf Loos? Introduction Feminism and the women s right movement occurs in waves. Women’s awareness of their plight as second class citizens began first with first-wave feminism. This began with women’s fight for the right to vote in 1867 in the UK and the right was won in 1918. This is known as the Suffragette movement. Second-wave feminism was characterised by the women’s right to their bodies like reproductive rights and the legislationRead MoreAnalysis Of Josephine Baker, An Iconic African American Dancer, Singer, Actress And Civil Rights Activist1030 Words  | 5 PagesJosephine Baker was an iconic African-American dancer, singer, actress and civil rights activist. Her rise to fame included her erotic dancing, her comedic expressions and her risquà © sense of style. She was well known for her â€Å"Danse Sauvage†and her most famous â€Å"Banana skirt dance†. She was a unique artist that differed from the rest. With that being said, I would like to focus the main a spect of this paper on her originality of tackling racial stereotypes through performing, her unique sense ofRead MoreWomen, Cultural Appropriation, Racial And Gender Differences, And African Americans Essay1506 Words  | 7 Pagesclass, I wanted to take my research further. I decided to research female foreign performers who have had a major influence on the Jazz Age in Paris. I decided to focus specifically on three foreign females, and they are: singer and dancer Josephine Baker, dancer Molly Spotted Elk, and dancer Ada â€Å"Bricktop†Smith. Each of these female performers had a large impact on taking the Jazz Age in Paris to another level. African Americans were responsible for bringing jazz music to Europe. Due to theRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance, By Gwendolyn Bennett, Walter White, And Palmer Hayden1444 Words  | 6 PagesGwendolyn Bennett, Josephine Baker, Walter White, and Palmer Hayden are some of the many people who influenced the Harlem Renaissance that are idols to those around them, excellent at what they do, and influenced many people to believe that they could do anything they put their heart into. The Harlem Renaissance, was part of the larger New Negro cultural and intelligent movement of the 1920s, remains one of the most studied and popular periods of American and African American literary and culturalRead MoreEssay on Hip Hop Dance979 Words  | 4 Pageshtm. Josephine Baker Biography. AE Networks Television, n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2014. Josephine Baker: The Activist Entertainer. Perf. Josephine Baker. Josephine Baker: The Activist Entertainer. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. The Official Josephine Baker Website. The Official Josephine Baker Website.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Slime Recipe How to Make Fake Snot
This is a gooey, gross variation of the traditional slime recipe, great for Halloween and other occasions requiring snot. It only takes a few minutes to make fake snot and the difficulty is not too great. Materials for Fake Snot Borax PowderElmers GlueWaterFood ColoringMeasuring CupsBaggies or Bowls Directions Stir 1/8 cup borax into 500 ml warm water. Its okay if some borax remains undissolved. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature.In a separate container, stir 2 spoonfuls of glue into 3 spoonfuls of water. White glue will give you opaque snot (more booger than snot); glue gel will produce you translucent slimy snot.Stir a couple of drops of food coloring into the glue mixture.Add a spoonful of the borax solution to the glue mixture. Stir (if in a bowl) or squish (if in a baggie).Have fun with your snot! Useful Tips Elmers glue is a non-toxic, water-based white glue or a non-toxic blue or clear gel. Another brand may be substituted.A little yellow food coloring could be added for that extra sickly touch.Dont eat or inhale the snot. Borax isnt particularly toxic but isnt good for you either.Borax is found in the household cleaner or laundry section of the store. Its commonly used as a detergent booster.Wash your hands after playing with your snot.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Investigation Into The Ethical Issue Of Privacy
Executive Summary This paper will investigate what laws and regulations exist in regards to data privacy and what necessary changes need to be made to ensure that all people not just consumers are protected against unethical data mining practices. Firstly there will be an investigation into the opinions of previous academics surrounding the ethical issues topic. Second an investigation into the ethical issue of privacy concerning the business world. Thirdly a summary of current laws and regulations concerning data privacy, and finally an evaluation of what adjustments are necessary so that people are protected against any potential unethical violations of privacy concerning data mining. Introduction Data mining is the process of discovering and interpreting meaningful, previously hidden patterns in data. Extensively used in financial services, customer relationship management and retail, data mining helps alleviate data overload, by extracting value from volume. Furthermore, the focus of data mining is on the process, not a particular technique, used to make reasonably accurate predictions. â€Å"The recent emergence of data mining technology to analyze vast amounts of data opens new threats to information privacy†. (Brankovic Estivill-Castro 1999, Clifton Marks 1996, Estivill-Castro, Brankovik Dowe 1999) There are many pieces of academia some that will be identified in this paper that identify such privacy risks and the ethical and legal ramifications that acquiesceShow MoreRelatedNew Technology : Invade Privacy Or Prevent Terrorist Attack?870 Words  | 4 PagesDark†: Invade Privacy or Prevent Terrorist Attack? With the news media being reported with information about the Apple’s encryption fight, I think my current events article could be about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and intelligence agency communications are creating a new technology, â€Å"Going Dark†, which will help them to track terrorists and kidnappers. After I read the article, I think the FBI and intelligence agency communications have to find a balance between the privacy and interceptionRead MoreA Research Study On The Citi Program Defines Research And Human Beings1029 Words  | 5 Pagesprovide clarification on what research studies that need review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The definition of research is: a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation designed to contribute to general knowledge. Systematic investigations have structure and organization. Furthermore, this type of investigation includes a specific procedure and guideline in or der to acquire exact data. This data helps formulate an educated and factual conclusion. The definitionRead MoreEthics and It640 Words  | 3 Pagesof ethical problems. The power used to processing computers doubles about every two years. Organizations are more dependent than ever before on their information systems. The Ethical problems arising from the appropriate use of customer information, personal privacy, and the protection of intellectual property have lead to increased laws to regulate the way data is collected. There are also privacy issues involved collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals. Privacy isRead MoreEthical Issues Of Fice Essay1146 Words  | 5 PagesScenario 22: Ethical/Legal Issues in the Office You are a manager of your Human Resources Department at Stone Foods. Laura, one of your employees, has access to all of the personal data of the employees of your company. Recently, the Department of Internal Investigations called you to report on Laura’s email activity. By monitoring Laura’s emails, The Investigations Department found out that Laura had started up a small business out of her house to sell cosmetics in order to make some extra incomeRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Workplace923 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle is aimed at providing the larger audience an overview of the ethics of the workplace related to the issues of ownership, privacy and monitoring in a working environment. There are practical examples to demonstrate how ethics play an important role in working environments related to information privacy but still there is less consensus on uniquely identifying specific ethical issues. Employees at different organization may define ethics from their own perspective which makes it difficult toRead MoreEthical Principles in Nursing Essay734 Words  | 3 PagesThere are five principles to ethical nursing. The first principle, nonmaleficence, or do no harm, it is directly tied to a nurses duty to protect the patients safety. This pr inciple dictates that we do not cause injury to our patients. A way that harm can occur to patients is through communication failures. These failures can be intentional or as a result of electronic or human error. Failing to convey accurate information, giving wrong messages, and breaking down of equipment, can cause harmRead MoreCrime700 Words  | 3 Pagesdiscussion of ethical issues involved in research in criminology. Ethical standards are not necessarily written down rules or laws; they are simply a collective experience that regulates the behavior of those who make up a particular society. Whose behavior the guidelines [Institutional Review Board (IRB) Best Practices in the Review of Social and Behavioral Research] seek to regulate, the mere existence of another document trying to get right the vexing question of how to assure the proper ethical conductRead MoreElection Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesof intervention occurred on a level that isnt being formally discussed. Many of the key issues discussed in the article revolve around the lack of attention to those key events and a lack of investigation. Because the United States Intelligence Community concluded that there was actual engagement by the Russian Government, there is a question around why some things that should be a part of the investigation are left out. Article Summary First thing in the morning on Election Day, North CarolinaRead MoreEthical Issues in Business Research657 Words  | 3 PagesETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS RESEARCH â€Å"Just as there are ethical aspects to all human interaction, there are some ethical questions about business research.†What are ETHICS? Such a question is a philosophical question. Philosophers do not generally agree as to the to the question but people’s rights and obligations are usually dictated by the norms of society. Societal norms are codes of behaviour adopted by a group; they suggest what a member of a group ought to do under given circumstancesRead MoreAdministrative Ethics1083 Words  | 5 PagesSorensen HCS/335 August 19, 2012 Christine Singel Administrative Ethics Patient privacy is the responsibility of the medical organization that treats the patient. Patients have the right to have their medical issues kept private from people that do not need to know the information. The federal government has created the HIPPA policy to help medical organizations understand and follow rules to protect the privacy of the patients that come to the organization. It is important for the organization
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Notes on Write My Research Proposal for Me in Simple Step by Step Order Whenever you want the services of specialist research proposal writers, Edubirdie is where to go. Sample research proposals according to a selection of academic disciplines are available on the internet through a number of sites, including resources found on the Ultius website. Our research proposal services may also be obtained from anywhere through the planet. Whenever you want the expert services of specialist research proposal writers, UK EduBirdie is where to go. By reviewing relevant literature you're able to demonstrate a gap in the understanding of the topic that should be filled. The research proposal reflects your private standpoint rather than simply the opinion of experts, so it's more beneficial to opt for this issue from your sphere of interest. It is extremely easy to eliminate the thread of an excellent research proposal because of deficiency of skill. 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The Power of Art free essay sample
Hello Bella! said Levi as he lifted his hand up to give me an enthusiastic high five.Hey Levi! I said. I moved into my assigned classroom, stunned and delighted.On any other day, in any other situation, this friendly exchange might seem pretty unremarkable.But, you see, Levi is a seventeen-year-old autistic boy with extremely limited verbal abilities and, that particular Saturday morning, Levi not only remembered my name, but he looked directly into my eyes and said it to ME. Once the class had ended, I mentioned Levi to my mother, who was waiting for me in the reception area. To my surprise, she acted as though the situation was to be expected.You have that way with people, she said.When it comes to art and music, the stuff you’re really passionate about, you can get anyone to listen to you. Thats how people remember you. We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Art or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She was right. I never understood the real power of art and music or how much I underestimated myself, until that morning at Heartsong. Levi helped me realize that I was fostering a real connection with him and the other children. For about a year, I had been volunteering at the program, Heartsong, which provides music and art therapy to autistic children and adolescents. Through the use of music and art, these children find creative ways to communicate and express themselves.I believe that music and art helps autistic children overcome their learning and social disabilities to connect with the world around them in new and unexpected ways. Just as unexpectedly, music and art was also helping ME reach out and connect, not just with autistic youth, but with the world around me. Socially, I am a bit of an outsider. People think I am weird or different because of my interests, especially my music taste. I happen to be part of a worldwide community fueled by an obsessive love of Korean popular music, fashion and art.K-pop is a genre that breaks barriers, is ever changing, and is always unique. People all over the world enjoy K-pop, but it is not mainstream or popular in this country. As a result, it has fundamentally changed my view of the world in ways that are still evolving and that inspire me to open my mind and heart to different ways of connecting with people from all cultures and backgrounds.Through the use of social media to connect me with fans from around the globe who have similar interests, I grew a new sense of courage; not unlike the kind of courage Levi must have needed to give me that high five on that Satu rday morning. As I left Heartsong after hearing Levi’s unexpected greeting, I realized the kind of impact I was having on these children and began to see how K-pop was impacting my own life. Both have opened me up to a whole world of creativity where I can connect and bond with people I would have never met before. Working with autistic kids and being a K-pop fan has forced me to challenge the norm and has helped me become the person I am today, a creative and open-minded person with a confidence I didn’t know I had.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Comparison between Dulce et decorum est and Rendezvous Essay Example For Students
Comparison between Dulce et decorum est and Rendezvous Essay Dulce et decorum est is a poem about the horror and deception of war. Rendezvous is a poem about the honor, gratitude and patriotism of fighting a war. Rendezvous is also with reference to the inevitability of death at war. Wilfred Owen wrote Dulce ET decorum EST in 1917, he joined the British army in 1915, and he is considered a patriot and despises war. Alan Seeger who joined the French foreign legion in 1914 wrote Rendezvous in 1915. He was very passionate about the war and he appears to have a neutral outlook towards war whereas Wilfred Owen has an opposite view. Rendezvous is a poem in relation to Alan Seegers inevitable death at war and how he may avoid this fate. However he then returns to facing his reality by realizing he must accept it. I believe Seegers view on war to be positive mainly because the way explains the death being scary and horrid but also honorable and gratifying shows contradiction in his points. This is evident in such lines as I have a rendezvous with death this shows that even though he foresees his death he baldly takes the challenge of fighting a war for a reason he sees as honorable. Also in lines such as god knows twere better to be deep down pillowed in silk and scented down this line shows regret for his choice of going to war and contradicts the line I have just stated. The poems contain a theme of death contrasting with life. A normal life cycle runs through four seasons autumn, winter, spring, summer and Alan seeger says his life will end in the winter which is dark and gloomy kind of like hell the line of at midnight in some flaming town, when spring trips north again this year shows the relevance of his writing in contrast to hell and he will not see a new spring which is tranquil and warm with new life beginning again. In contrast, he will be in a dark land because spring trips north making it the uppermost point on the compass, and to far above him to reach, too distant, as he veers toward a different direction in keeping his oath. There is a theme of breath, being symbolized as fullness of life in spring. Pulse nigh to pulse and breath to breath. Whereas he speaks of his own breath being quenched in the second verse, the third line. There is a theme of lovers contrasted with Springtime, pillowed and scented down, describing the perfume of flowers in spring to the perfume of a lover, where love throbs out in blissful sleep, pulse to pulse, implies a very close person laying near, whereby you can hear them breath and the sound of there heart beat, two people in a bed with an pillow and down, down being an old fashioned word for quilt. This theme of lovers is continued with where hushed awakenings are dear, the serenity of waking up calm and warm with someone next to you and by your side, the stark contrast is that he holds a hand too, he is in close relationship with his hand being taken into a dark land, by someone else, possibly God, the pronoun he being chosen rather than the name God, in he shall take my hand. His eyes closing into sleep with this partner, who could also take his breath away, rather than breath along with him, and in other words closely identify with his life in its most basic sense of breathing, and existing. The theme of battle is taken up in lines such as on some scarred slope of battered hill, scars being representative of having fought, and been injured. Slope represents downward descent and being brought down, and of course the word battered which is a clear term of battle. At some disputed barricade again describes battle, the word dispute exemplifying cause for disagreement, barricade exemplifying the inability to get passed or through something, the inability to have overcome the fight and move onwards from it. Could be interpreted as doubt, as to whether there will be any victory, from the writers point of view. He is facing that there may not be, and that he could be appointed to die in war. Seegers view of war is that it could be inevitable, and therefore he sh ould square with this reality. .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .postImageUrl , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:hover , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:visited , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:active { border:0!important; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:active , .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4ac98531848da88fa36a3ad5d7341dfa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Streams Of Silver By Ra Salvatore EssayHe has misgivings about wanting life in some way, as he states God knows twere better to be deep pillowed in silk, and scented down, and he lingers on the thought of life and love and peace and harmony, but resolves that he will keep his pledge and be true, this is the essence of honor maintaining allegiance. Seeger also continues the theme of battle in the last verse on the seventh line in some flaming town, the flames referring to towns being burned up through bombing. Seeger talks about midnight as a particular point in the darkest of nighttime hours, in keeping with his assimilation with death. The place in which death would occur is flaming, out of control, full of danger, burning up and ending in ashes. Ultimately Seegars view of war is darkness and defeat rather than victory, overcoming and capability in seeing things through competently. However even in the face of defeat there is commitment to the cause, which shows he felt the war was right and therefore he was resolved in this commitment to follow through with his life unto death. I shall not fail that rendezvous to quote from the last line of the poem. Dulce et decorum est is about the horror and deceit kept a secret from those young men who signed themselves up in patriotism and love for there family. Wilfred Owen has a negative outlook on war in my conclusion because of such sarcastic and contradicting quotes as Dulce et decorum est pro patria more meaning: it is a sweet and fitting thing to die for your country. However from reading the whole poem you see Owens horrific memories and terrifying tales really contradict this line which I assume was said to them by there general or someone of high importance in the army. This is also shown in the great detail and use of metaphors and similes to strengthen his views which he expresses when highlighting the suffer and discomfort the soldiers were put through. Which is shown in the line someone still was yelling out and stumbling and floundering like a man in fire or lime, dim through the misty panes and thick green light, as under a green sea, I saw him drowning this I feel is his deepest and most emotionally expressed line in the poem, where he describes his friends death in a gas attack. The main theme of this poem is futility of war but there are others such as excessive death this is very much announced fact of ww1 because millions of young men died excessively this point is put across in lines such as my friend you wouldnt tell with such high zest the old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori this is saying the army or anyone else had no right to tell vulnerable children that it is sweet and fitting to die for your country. Wilfred Owen uses linguistic devices to build momentum and to add power to his poems. This can be seen in such lines as if in some smothering dreams you too could place behind the wagon that we flung him in and watch the white eyes writhing in his face, his hanging face, like a devil sick of sin; if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as cud of vile incurable sores on innocent tongues this quote holds lots of similes and adjectives these are examples of the linguistic techniques I mentioned earlier and these add power and help the imagination to run wild, building a better understanding of his fear, loss, sadness and most of all his scared memory. .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .postImageUrl , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:hover , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:visited , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:active { border:0!important; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:active , .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9be0caa402b66db84a1db9785142bb6a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Huckleberry Finn Essay – A Racist NovelOwen also talks about gas from a bomb being a green sea when we clearly know that gas is not a liquid this technique is called a metaphor this helps me to imagine the picture he was seeing of his friend drowning from the gas and struggling because there is no way out as if he were trapped out at sea. So even though gas cannot literally be a liquid the description still has relevance to the point. Owen also use similes which is when you describe something to like something else Owen uses these in line such as bent double, like old beggars and coughing like hags he saying what they were coughing like and bent like to help you understand how he presently sees himself and his fellow soldiers. Onomatopoeia is another technique shown in the line he plunges at me guttering, chocking, drowning this says guttering, which is the noise he is making, but also the word used to describe how he was plunging. The structure of both of the poems is quite orderly but Wilfred Owen has got a more recognized structure in that he uses an a-b rhyme scheme and that Alan seeger uses a scheme of rhyming the 1st 2 and last 2 lines. This has no technical name. In a regular rhyme scheme there is 3 stanzas and so is there in both of these poems. The rhythm of Owens poem appears to create a little disorder but in other places the opposite and in seegers poem had similar effect but was not disordered as much.
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