Monday, January 27, 2020
Thin Layer Chromatography for Composition of Analgesics
Thin Layer Chromatography for Composition of Analgesics THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY HALILI, Johanna Bernadette C. ABSTRACT In this experiment, a thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used to determine the composition of different analgesic drugs which were Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Caffeine, Paracetamol, tea sample and an unknown substance. Chromatography takes advantage of the fact that different substances are partitioned between two phases. TLC is used to identify individual components in a mixture. These chromatography techniques focused on the fact that components of a mixture tend to move at different speeds along the flat surface from the paper used to separate from each other. The results obtained by comparing the spots and after performing the experiment, the unknown was identified to be Aspirin. INTRODUCTION Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is one of the most important techniques in organic chemistry and is used for the rapid separation and qualitative analysis of different substances (Pavia, et. al., 2010). This separation technique is accomplished by the combination of the mixture between two phases: the stationary and the mobile phase. The stationary phase or the absorbent, which is usually silica or alumina, is coated on a supporting material which is either a glass or plastic. The sample is applied to the layer of the adsorbent coated sheet or TLC plate. The mobile phase, or the solvent called the eluant, travels up the absorbent by capillary action (Ault, 1998; Miller, 2005). As the solvent passes through the sample or spot, it shows the effects of separation of the material in the spot. This separation technique is also used to identify if substances are pure and to compare it with other samples. Unknown substances can be also determined by comparing an unknown compound’s be havior with the other known substances. In this experiment, thin-layer chromatography is used to determine the qualitative compositions of over-the-counter analgesic drugs. The objectives for the experiment are to observe the different analgesic drugs, to perform thin-layer chromatography and calculate Rf values and to use thin-layer chromatography to identify the analgesic compound present in an unknown sample. METHODOLOGY The group prepared a chamber for the experiment of thin layer chromatography for analgesic drugs. The chamber consists of a filter paper wrapped around the 50 ml beaker with a small opening left for viewing. A 3 ml solvent mixture (25 parts ethyl acetate, 1 part ethanol, and 1 part acetic acid) was added to the chamber and was later covered using a watch glass to provide an atmosphere saturated with solvent inside the container. The filter paper was moistened for the solvent to rise equally. While the chamber was set aside, a silica gel coated TLC plate was obtained and using a pencil, a very light line was drawn across the sheet, about 10 mm from one end Seven small light marks were made along the line and labelled A to G. Each letter correspond to seven analgesic drugs which are aspirin, ibuprofen, caffeine, paracetamol, sample tea extract collected from one previous experiment, an unknown substance and co-spot respectively. Using a capillary tube, small spots of each sample was placed exactly in the intersection of the horizontal line and the tick marks for each letter to make sure it will not mix with the other samples. The capillary tube was cleaned by using Dichloromethane and it was done three times. For the sample E or the tea extract from the experiment â€Å"Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves†, the filter paper that contained the caffeine extracts was rinsed with dichloromethane to be able to place a spot to the TLC. The spots on the TLC plate were al lowed to dry for 1-2 minutes. As soon as the spots were dry, the TLC plate was dropped vertically to an upright position making sure that the chamber is on a stationary place and was covered again using a watch glass. The liquid slowly moved up the TLC sheet. When 80-90% of the solvent had already gone up of the TLC plate, the TLC plate was immediately removed taking note of where the solvent was last seen. Immediately, the TLC plate was marked where the solvent was last seen. The plate was air-dried and it was observed under UV light to point out where the spots are. While observing under the UV lamp, a light pencil mark was marked around each spot in the TLC plate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results Figure 1. Silica Gel coated TLC plate results. Figure 2. Silica Gel coated TLC plate results under UV light. Table 1. Measurement of the distances of the spots in the TLC plate and computed Rf values. Distance travelled by the solvent: 30.0 mm Discussion The objective of this experiment was to perform thin layer chromatography to test a certain substance of its purity or impurity and also to know the analgesic present in an unknown substance. The results shows that 5 out of 7 analgesics had 2 or more spots which indicates that are impurities or there are different compounds in those analgesic drugs. The different analgesic drugs that were observed to have 2 or more spots were Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, the unknown substance and the co-spot. Rf values were also computed by the distance (in mm) travelled by the solvent was measured exactly from the horizontal line drawn up to where it was last seen when it moved up. The spots were also measured and for those samples that had 2 or more spots, each spots were measured individually. The equation used for solving the Rf value is: For accuracy, the distance travelled by the spot was measured from the horizontal line up to the center of the spot. Rf values were used to compare the substances and identify the analgesic compound present in an unknown sample. Similarities was observed between Aspirin and the unknown analgesic drug F since their spots are very similar and their Rf values are very close to each other with only a 0.004 mm difference. Also, the results show that the caffeine extracted from the experiment â€Å"Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves†is indeed caffeine since spot C or pure caffeine is very similar because the spot produced by the tea extract and this is evident since it is indicated in their Rf values that they are very similar to each other. In comparing compounds used in the experiment run, the group observed that compounds with the larger Rf are less polar because it interacts less strongly with the polar adsorbent on the TLC plate (Ault, 1998). The experiment went as expected with no unusual events that would have introduced error. The group was able to perform the thin-layer chromatography and to compute for the different Rf values. CONCLUSION Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was the technique used to determine the composition of various over-the-counter analgesics and the purity of the different substances which were Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Caffeine, Paracetamol, tea sample from one of our previous experiment and an unknown sample. With thin-layer chromatography, it was identified that compounds with the larger Rf are less polar because it interacts less strongly with the polar adsorbent on the TLC plate, and compounds with a smaller Rf values are more polar. It was also observed that the tea sample gathered from one of our previous experiment was indeed pure caffeine because of the similarities of the spots and Rf values of the spot C and pure caffeine. The different analgesic drugs that were observed to have 2 or more spots were Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, the unknown substance and the co-spot. Two or more spots were observed because of impurities or it contains different substances. Lastly, the unknown sample in the TL C plate was observed to be Aspirin because of the similarities of the measurement of the spot and Rf values which only had a difference of 0.004 mm. RECOMMENDATIONS To obtain a better result of the experiment, the different techniques can be done. One technique that can be done is a volatile solvent like 25 parts ethyl acetate, 1 part ethanol, and 1 part acetic acid. The TLC plate is very sensitive to different materials or compounds and it is important not to touch the TLC plate to avoid contamination of oil from the hands. In collecting different sample, one should remember to wash capillary tube with dichloromethane not less than three times to avoid contamination. To place appropriate size of each spot so it won’t mix with the other spots. For light/dull colored samples, it is recommended to place spots up to three times for it to be visible. In preparing the chamber, one should moisten properly the filter paper to have equal rising of the solvent and cover all the times the chamber since the solvent is volatile. Lastly, drop properly making sure it falls in an upright postion or the TLC plate should lean to the filter paper and remem ber not move the chamber in any way to avoid unequal rising of the solvent to the TLC plate. REFERENCES Ault, A. Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.; University Science Books, California, 1998. Miller, J. Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts, 2nd ed.; John Wiley Sons, Inc. Publication, 2005. Pavia, D., Lampman, G., Kriz, G., Engel, R. A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd ed.; Cengage Learning, United States of America, 2010.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Violence in Sports :: Sports Violence
Violence is defined as the use of excessive physical force, which causes or has obvious potential to cause harm or destruction to an individual. Violence in sports comes in many forms, and divides into social and cultural factors related to the sport ethic, gender ideology, the dynamics of social class and race, and the tactics used in sports. Violence in sports has gone too far because sports violence has become so severe in sports, that players are injured each years. However, in sports some violence has become entertaining for the fans and fans would begin their own violence around with other fans that support opposing teams to win. The violence in sports can cause severe casualties from collisions to concussions that may result in long-term mental or physical damage. There are many casualties of violence and collisions/concussions in professional sports. The first common type of violence is body contact. The brutal body contact includes physical practices common in certain sports and accepted by athletes as part of sport participation. Examples of brutal body contacts in sports are collisions, hits, tackles, blocks, body checks, and other forms of physical contact that can produce injuries. In the NHL a hockey player on the Vancouver Canucks named Todd Bertuzzi hit unexpectedly a player on the Colorado Avalanche named Steve Moore from behind and then fell on him and pushed his head into the ice. Steve Moore received a concussion and he was motionless for ten minutes, and also fractured three vertebrates and facial cuts on Steve Moore’s face. The commissioner suspended Todd Bertuzzi for giving a blind-side hit to Steve Moore. He was suspended for 20 games and forfeited his salary which was approximately $500,000. Steve’s injury was a career-ending injury which ruined his opportunity to play in the NHL with the Colorado Avalanche. Another type violence in sports which is the quasi-criminal violence this includes practices that violate the formal rules of the game, public laws, and even informal norm between players. Examples of quasi-criminal violence are cheap shots, blind-side hit, and flagrant fouls that endanger player body and reject the norm calling for dedication to the game above all else. In the NFL, a linebacker in Pittsburgh Steelers named Jerome Harrison; he made a tackle that is a great example of brutal body contact. His tackling towards other football players sometimes involves cheap hits like the head to head contact. The football players could be injured on the field and the result could lead to a concussion. Violence in Sports :: Sports Violence Violence is defined as the use of excessive physical force, which causes or has obvious potential to cause harm or destruction to an individual. Violence in sports comes in many forms, and divides into social and cultural factors related to the sport ethic, gender ideology, the dynamics of social class and race, and the tactics used in sports. Violence in sports has gone too far because sports violence has become so severe in sports, that players are injured each years. However, in sports some violence has become entertaining for the fans and fans would begin their own violence around with other fans that support opposing teams to win. The violence in sports can cause severe casualties from collisions to concussions that may result in long-term mental or physical damage. There are many casualties of violence and collisions/concussions in professional sports. The first common type of violence is body contact. The brutal body contact includes physical practices common in certain sports and accepted by athletes as part of sport participation. Examples of brutal body contacts in sports are collisions, hits, tackles, blocks, body checks, and other forms of physical contact that can produce injuries. In the NHL a hockey player on the Vancouver Canucks named Todd Bertuzzi hit unexpectedly a player on the Colorado Avalanche named Steve Moore from behind and then fell on him and pushed his head into the ice. Steve Moore received a concussion and he was motionless for ten minutes, and also fractured three vertebrates and facial cuts on Steve Moore’s face. The commissioner suspended Todd Bertuzzi for giving a blind-side hit to Steve Moore. He was suspended for 20 games and forfeited his salary which was approximately $500,000. Steve’s injury was a career-ending injury which ruined his opportunity to play in the NHL with the Colorado Avalanche. Another type violence in sports which is the quasi-criminal violence this includes practices that violate the formal rules of the game, public laws, and even informal norm between players. Examples of quasi-criminal violence are cheap shots, blind-side hit, and flagrant fouls that endanger player body and reject the norm calling for dedication to the game above all else. In the NFL, a linebacker in Pittsburgh Steelers named Jerome Harrison; he made a tackle that is a great example of brutal body contact. His tackling towards other football players sometimes involves cheap hits like the head to head contact. The football players could be injured on the field and the result could lead to a concussion.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Gathering
For this essay I'll be dicussing about Indian(Frank) and Danny. The Gathering novel is about how five kids whom chose to fight against evil spreading around Cheshunt. These five kids need to win the battle against the Kraken but to do that they need to discover more about themselves. The warning that Lallindra(Lallie) told Indian to heed was,†only a wound brought into light can be healed. That which is hidden will in darkness fester.†In the novel when Indian was seven Indian's mother left him to look after his little sister Jenny. She was five. He was watching her play on some swings when some older kids came and started calling him names. Indian fought with them and won but while fighting he did not notice his sister had climbed to the top of the slide. She slipped and hit her head, she was in coma for a week and when she woke up Jenny wasn't the same, she used to smile and laugh but now she doesn't smile or look at you. Indian felt he killed her but her body was left behind. He never told his Mother about the truth of that day. Indian feels guilty for not taking care of his little sister and not telling his Mother about the truth of what happened, now Indian does not fight back because he feels he deserve to be hurt he feels its his punishment. Indian's guiltiness is a wound and when he brought it to light by telling his mom what happen, Indian's mom forgave him and does not blame him for what happened to Jenny. Danny Odin was a victim of police sodomy many years ago. Later the saying â€Å"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely†is aptly used in reference to the story, which involved police officers letting savage dogs loose on Danny to force him to give them information that was false. For a while after that he felt scared that a police could do anything to him and no one could do anything. He went mad for a while and he had to go to a sanitorium. The only reason he could come out was because he told them he made the whole thing up. After that one of the police officers that had attacked him visit Danny's school for a talk to improve citizen-authority relations, at the end of which the officer gave Danny a wink .Danny then realised nothing was going to make it right. Nothing made sense but survival and justice. Right and wrong, it was all lies that people made up. This quote and the opinion expressed in it is somewhat jarring with the rest of the novel's message, as it flatly denies the existence of both good and evil. The theory is, however, later rebuffed by the very same character that put it forward, as it doesn't make sense in the context of the novel thought by Nathanial, â€Å"You could tell he really believed that but there was something wrong about what he was, saying. Something that didn't jell.†And he thought of Lallie's warning to Danny. She had told him not to let the dark flame of the past consume the future. That's about right winning out over wrong.' Danny told Nathanial. Danny has to forget the past. The Gathering is more than novel triumph of good over evil, it is also a novel about self discovery. All the Chain members in The Gathering had expierienced terrible things that they need to over come to win the battle against the dark because everything that happen in Cheshunt is related to everything else because it come from a sort of core. The place where evil bruised earth. The earth that sorrows.
Friday, January 3, 2020
William Shakespeare s Macbeth, The King Of Scotland
Shakespeare’s inspiration of adapting a historical event to the character Macbeth is what leads Shakespeare’s play to success. The connection between both the historical version and a play version is known to be extraordinary. The imagination to take one character and twist his history is fascinating in every aspect leading readers to know more about the play. Shakespeare’s portrayal of the tragedy Macbeth compares and contrasts to the historical biography of Macbeth as the king of Scotland. Shakespeare’s play version of how Macbeth came to power contrasts from the historical record. In the play version Macbeth attains the goal and is given an honor from king Duncan himself. Right after this unforgettable event the three witches prophesize the upcoming reign of Macbeth, â€Å"hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter†(I.iii.50). Lady Macbeth approaches Macbeth and tells Macbeth the idea to â€Å"awaken Duncan and disturb his sleep,†becaus e in order to take over the throne they would need to kill Duncan (I.vii. 60-37). Lady Macbeth’s main motivation is the desire of achieving power and wealth. The idea of murdering Duncan and later on succeeding gave Macbeth the throne as king of Scotland. In the other hand, in the historical version Macbeth â€Å"killed Duncan in battle and seized the throne.†This contrasts greatly from the play version because Macbeth did not have to be disloyal in order to take over the thrown. However this was not new to Macbeth since â€Å"Macbeth’s father FindlaechShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare Is A Well-Known And Recognized English1542 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is a well-known and recognized English poet. Born in the year of 1564 and 1616 marked the end of his time. In his twenties, Shakespeare decided to move to London and took up the role of being an actor and a playwright. 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